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"Are Short Term Goals the Key to Success?"

This weekend, catching up with long-lost friends, I stumbled upon a game-changer. Among tales of career strides and personal victories, one strategy stood out: short-term goals. Beyond the grand dreams and the "someday" plans, it was these immediate, actionable goals that propelled my friends to new heights.

But how does one apply this in a life torn between the allure of hospitality’s indulgences and the discipline of self-improvement and coaching? My world, split between these two extremes, celebrated hard work with lavish dinners and nights out, yet also craved the clarity and empowerment of ice baths and breathwork. Was I living the example I wanted to set?

The challenge: No alcohol, no parties for 60 days. Push beyond comfort zones. The rules were simple—no fried food during shifts, no indulging in self-pity with junk food, no late nights out. This discipline transformed my daily routine. Foods became about nourishment, mornings about fitness, and every choice aligned with my goals. Weight loss and improved skin were just the start; what truly changed was my sense of self. Gym classes became routine, avoiding alcohol felt natural, and my confidence soared. I was no longer spending aimlessly but investing in myself, choosing company and activities that fueled my growth.

Living this way felt right, and it begged the question: What other short-term goals could perpetuate this lifestyle? I began to plot my life in 60-day sprints, each cycle a step towards a better version of myself. It became clear that some connections were deep, while others were merely tied to old habits. Surrounding myself with like-minded individuals created a cycle of mutual motivation.

Now, as I look back on 60 days of intentional living, I'm ready to hit the reset button and dive into another cycle. With each set, I wonder, what heights will I reach? What new paths will I forge?

Have you set short-term goals for yourself? If you're looking to shake up your life and chase a version of yourself you've only dreamed of, let's talk. Sometimes, all it takes is a little nudge to get started.


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