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If Time Were Money, Would You Be Broke?

If time were currency, how would you say you spend it? Recklessly? Frugally? Do you splash out on things you maybe shouldn't? As someone who used to spend a lot of time doing unproductive things before coming up, I've now learned the true value of time. Money comes and goes, but time doesn't work like that.

I've realized that if there's something I want in life, the clock is ticking. I have a finite amount of time before that thing may become unattainable. While it might be a bleak way of viewing things, unfortunately, it's real.

So here's an exercise you can do for free over the next week: about an hour before you go to bed, reflect on how you spent your time that day. What things did you do that provided you with value? What things triggered you? What things made you happy or grateful? What was a waste of time?

This reflection can help you identify where you're spending your time wisely and where you might need to make changes. Remember, valuing your time is about making conscious choices to invest in what truly matters to you.


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