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Own Your Week: How to Plan Ahead and Never Miss a Commitment

It’s Sunday night around 9 pm. You’re winding down after the weekend, mentally preparing for the week ahead. Depending on your lifestyle, you might have a few options for what your week looks like. But if there’s one key ingredient to having a successful week, it’s being organized with a bulletproof routine.

There are two kinds of people in the world: those who have a schedule and stick to it, and everyone else. Which one would you like to be? A few years ago, I remember booking a dinner with an old friend to catch up. I planned my entire day around the event to ensure I got everything done before heading to the venue. I’d made the booking for 6:30 pm, and as I was walking into the restaurant, I texted my friend to say I was just walking in. They called me immediately, sounding disappointed, and began profusely apologizing because they had forgotten about it. Me being me, I still ordered a steak and had a pleasant meal, but I sat there seething at how someone could be that unorganized. I made a vow to myself to never put someone in that situation—never to be the one who doesn’t show up, who isn’t where they’re supposed to be, or who doesn’t do what they said they would do.

So now, when I make plans, I put them into my phone calendar immediately. Even if it’s something small, or just a reminder for something I need to do. We like to think we won’t forget, but when you physically write it into your schedule at a specific time and date, it’s like you’ve outsourced the stress of remembering. I set event reminders for 1 day before, 1 hour before, and 10 minutes before, and I’ve never been late or missed anything since. If someone asks me to be somewhere, they know I’ll show up.

So, how can you start doing this and turn yourself into Mr. Dependable? Start by setting notifications to create your week. Set one for Sunday night where you can review your upcoming week and mentally craft a game plan for how it will look. Then, each night, set another reminder around 10 pm to plan the next day. Maybe you’re lying in bed, trying to figure out where you need to be and what you need to do the following morning. Why not schedule it out with a loose game plan?

For example:

  • 8 am: Wake up

  • 9 am: Cardio session

  • 10:30 am: Groceries for lunch

  • 11 am: Make a quick healthy lunch

  • Midday: Reply to all work emails

  • 1 pm: Book appointment for xyz

  • 2 pm: Spend time on a passion project

  • 4 pm: Confirm dinner plans

  • 5 pm: Quick walk

  • 6 pm: Dinner with a friend/partner

It doesn’t have to be as in-depth as this, but when you start to layer your day for success, it frees up time and enables you to use it effectively. Sure, there will be days when something takes longer than expected or something unexpected comes up. But when you have a list of things you need to do and get them done, you’ll start realizing that winning each day and finishing it on a high will make you feel a certain way.

Creating a weekly routine is more than just organizing your time—it’s about setting yourself up for success, day in and day out. When you take control of your schedule, you take control of your life. You’ll find that not only do you accomplish more, but you also feel more in control, more reliable, and more at ease with what the week throws at you. Start small, be consistent, and watch how your week transforms from a chaotic scramble into a well-oiled machine. By planning your week and your days with intention, you’ll end each one with a sense of accomplishment, ready to tackle whatever comes next.

Now, it’s your turn. Set that Sunday night reminder, plan your week, and step into the version of yourself who’s always on time, always prepared, and always moving forward.


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