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What’s on Your "Never Done" List? Time to Check It Off!

Point blank, right now, what are 3 things you've never done that could easily be done in the city you live in OR what are some things you said you were going to do and never did? These can be tiny things to large things. It could be anything from trying that new restaurant down the road to going skydiving. Anything you've really wanted to do but never done—this has to be a totally new experience. Those are the rules.

I'll be honest, I'm guilty of saying I'll try new things and not always following through with them. So I'm going to use this post as a way to keep myself accountable. If you want to join in, then comment your 3 things below. Some of mine are super lame, but luckily this is a judgment-free zone!

  1. Indoor Rock Climbing

  2. Lap pool swimming as a weekly workout

  3. Camping trip with my partner

These all seem like relatively easy things to do, right? This exercise is about putting yourself out there, trying new things, and actively building your confidence to get out of your comfort zone and try something new!

Let's hold each other accountable and make it happen. What are your 3 things?


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